It gets better by eating it: cabbages and their health benefits

cabbages and their health benefits

Packed with vitamins, cabbage has many health benefits. We tell you more about their nutritional qualities.

A wide variety of cabbage

Cabbage is a vegetable from the cruciferous family, in which we also find turnips, rutabagas or radishes. There are many varieties of cabbage such as white cabbage, green cabbage, red cabbage, and Brussels sprouts, among others. Often the victim of prejudice, especially on the part of children, many of whom shun it, cabbage nevertheless has some great assets to show off.

The benefits of cabbage

1. It detoxifies the body

Cabbage contains plant sulfur, also called sulforaphane. This substance accelerates the elimination of toxins in the body, more particularly in the liver.

2. It boosts immune defenses

Rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, like beta-carotene, cabbage strengthens the natural defenses and gives energy to anyone who eats it.

3. It helps maintain cognitive functions

Due to the vitamin K it is packed with, cabbage slows cognitive decline and helps the brain stay healthy longer.

4. It prevents hypertension and strokes

Cabbage contains a good amount of potassium (about 92 mg per 100g of green cabbage), which helps prevent hypertension and limits the risk of stroke.

5. It is good for the line

Cabbage is low in calories (about 20.3 kcal per 100g of cooked green cabbage), which makes it an ally in the context of a slimming diet. It also has the advantage of being rich in insoluble fiber, which generates a lasting feeling of satiety.

6. It is good for the skin

Thanks to the vitamin C it contains, cabbage stimulates the production of collagen and slows down skin aging. This is all the more true for red cabbage, which preserves cells from oxidative stress thanks to the cyanidin it contains.

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